Saturday, January 7, 2012

When the Moon Hits Your Eye...

Like a big pizza pie, that's amore!  This was my grandparents' song, and a great song to sing when you're makin-a-pizza-pie!  That's what we had for dinner the other night (a healthy version) and it also ended up being a fun activity for Chloe. 

LB is a good "helper."  I think it started when we were in Rochester and Grammy let her help make Christmas cookies while standing on a kitchen chair.  Since then, she is all about standing on the chair and doing whatever I'm doing.  So, I decided to let her "make" her own pizza pie!  Here's some pics, see below for the recipe.

Pita Pizza Pies
Whole wheat pita pockets
Sauce (again, used Francesco Rinaldi, our fav)
Shredded cheese (we used 2% mozzerella)
Toppings (mushrooms and olives were our choice)

Leave the pita pockets closed.  Put your sauce, cheese, and toppings on the top, and bake in the oven at 375 degrees until cheese is melted and bubbly.  Yum!  (And VERY low points for those of you WW followers)

Out pita pizzas

Chloe's masterpiece, complete with two olives (which she did, in fact, eat!!)
Hey, and the best part of makin-a-pizza-pie?  You get to STAND ON THE CHAIR AND WASH YOUR HANDS AND PLAY IN THE SINK YAYYYYYYYY!


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