Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Natural History Fun

As you've seen in the last few post, my parents were down visiting from NY last week.  Their original plan was to leave on Saturday, but I suspect that they just couldn't get enough of SOMEBODY in this house.  So, they decided to stay another night, and this gave us the chance to go into the city and check out the Natural History Museum. 

We didn't really take into consideration (oops) that the museum, and downtown in general, might be super-busy because of the holiday week.  After a tricky parking situation, we finally made our way to the museum.  It was very busy inside too, but there were plenty of places for us to move and run around. 

I had taken LB here last spring to see the butterflies, but we hadn't been back since then.  Chloe loved checking out the animals in the mammal exhibit (which makes me excited to take her back to the zoo) and she also though that the butterflies were pretty cool.  Although, once one landed in her hair, she procalaimed that she was "all done."  All in all, it was a fun trip and we were able to see everything we wanted to see. 

Looking at the hippo with Grammy

Oh you know, just pressing buttons!


Taking a peek at the otters

Chloe loved this little tunnel.  The best part was when some middle schoolers packed in it to be funny and she let out a war-cry  that scared them all into running away.  It was awesome. 

Searching for butterflies, or, "boooooouyyys?" as we call them in the business!

One of the pretty butterflies!

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